You Light Up My Life


I work from home, so when I came down to my basement office the other day I noticed there were icicle lights on in the floor. I couldn’t imagine how they got plugged in unless my husband was losing his marbles.

Is been a rough year. It could happen to either of us at this point.

But lo…it appears Bumble is not in agreement with our minimal decorations this year and had decided to try and help. His efforts are appreciated, but unless he’s helping UN-decorate….yeah…nope.

Sticky Pyro


We are going to die in our sleep in this house. This stupid Bumble tried make s’mores during the night. Please tell our families we love them.

December 11 – The Dork Knight

2014-12-11 10.55.26

The Dork Knight

This is what I woke up to this morning.  Bumble playing with the Bat Signal.  While this almost elicited a giggle out of me because of my deep-seated love for all things nerdy, something caught my eye.

Bumble is a true bachelor, ladies and gentlemen.  He’s taken his KISS t-shirt and turned it inside out for a second wearing.

Thank God he doesn’t wear skivvies.
The sheer thought alone of Bumblesharts in those makes me want to scrub my brain with a wire bristled brush.

It’s not even noon and I need a drink after that.